Qui appose une apostille?
Qu’est ce que l’apostille ou la légalisation qu’on me demande sur certains documents d’état civil? La légalisation est un cachet qui authentifie un document d’état civil. Elle s’obtient auprès des autorités consulaires ou du ministère des Affaires étrangères du pays où l’acte a été émis.
Où faire faire une apostille?
Cas général. Adressez votre demande à la cour d’appel dont dépend le signataire du document (service Apostille) ou à l’autorité ayant apposé une mention d’enregistrement ou de certification. La demande peut être faite sur formulaire ou sur papier libre.
What does apostille certification mean?
The apostille certificate is used to legalise a document for use in another country. If you are presenting a document that originates from the UK to another country you may be requested to get an apostille for your document. The apostille certificate is a small square certificate that is attached to another document.
What is an apostille or certification?
The apostille is a certificate that is attached to another document when it is intended for use overseas. It is a way of verifying or authenticating a document for use in another country. Put simply an Apostille certificate authenticates an official stamp or signature of a document.
How to obtain an apostille or certification?
Fee is$15.00 per document (a document can be more than one page).
What is the difference between apostille and authentication?
The difference between an Apostille and Authentication for Documents is so simple, first, An Apostille is a form of authentication issued for documents that will be used in countries that participate in the Hague Convention of 1961. Apostilles are only used to authenticate documents that will be used in another country.